React js 18 complete guide everything you need to get started

Rendering is the process of React asking your components to describe what they want their section of the UI to look like, now, based on the current combination of props and state.

Rendering Process Overview

During the rendering process, React will start at the root of the component tree and loop downwards to find all components that have been flagged as needing updates. For each flagged component, React will call either classComponentInstance.render() (for class components) or FunctionComponent() (for function components), and save the render output.

A component's render output is normally written in JSX syntax, which is then converted to React.createElement() calls as the JS is compiled and prepared for deployment. createElement returns React elements, which are plain JS objects that describe the intended structure of the UI. Example:


// This JSX syntax:
return <SomeComponent a={42} b="testing">Text here</SomeComponent>

// is converted to this call:
return React.createElement(SomeComponent, {a: 42, b: "testing"}, "Text Here")

// and that becomes this element object:
{type: SomeComponent, props: {a: 42, b: "testing"}, children: ["Text Here"]}


After it has collected the render output from the entire component tree, React will diff the new tree of objects (frequently referred to as the "virtual DOM"), and collects a list of all the changes that need to be applied to make the real DOM look like the current desired output. The diffing and calculation process is known as "reconciliation".

React then applies all the calculated changes to the DOM in one synchronous sequence.


Note: The React team has downplayed the term "virtual DOM" in recent years. Dan Abramov said:

I wish we could retire the term “virtual DOM”. It made sense in 2013 because otherwise people assumed React creates DOM nodes on every render. But people rarely assume this today. “Virtual DOM” sounds like a workaround for some DOM issue. But that’s not what React is.
React is “value UI”. Its core principle is that UI is a value, just like a string or an array. You can keep it in a variable, pass it around, use JavaScript control flow with it, and so on. That expressiveness is the point — not some diffing to avoid applying changes to the DOM.
It doesn’t even always represent the DOM, for example <Message recipientId={10} /> is not DOM. Conceptually it represents lazy function calls: Message.bind(null, { recipientId: 10 }).


Render and Commit Phases

The React team divides this work into two phases, conceptually:

  • The "Render phase" contains all the work of rendering components and calculating changes
  • The "Commit phase" is the process of applying those changes to the DOM

After React has updated the DOM in the commit phase, it updates all refs accordingly to point to the requested DOM nodes and component instances. It then synchronously runs the componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate class lifecycle methods, and the useLayoutEffect hooks.

React then sets a short timeout, and when it expires, runs all the useEffect hooks. This step is also known as the "Passive Effects" phase.

You can see a visualization of the class lifecycle methods in this excellent React lifecycle methods diagram. (It does not currently show the timing of effect hooks, which is something I'd like to see added.)

In React's upcoming "Concurrent Mode", it is able to pause the work in the rendering phase to allow the browser to process events. React will either resume, throw away, or recalculate that work later as appropriate. Once the render pass has been completed, React will still run the commit phase synchronously in one step.

A key part of this to understand is that "rendering" is not the same thing as "updating the DOM", and a component may be rendered without any visible changes happening as a result. When React renders a component:

  • The component might return the same render output as last time, so no changes are needed
  • In Concurrent Mode, React might end up rendering a component multiple times, but throw away the render output each time if other updates invalidate the current work being done


Queuing Renders

After the initial render has completed, there are a few different ways to tell React to queue a re-render:

  • Class components:
    • this.setState()
    • this.forceUpdate()
  • Function components:
    • useState setters
    • useReducer dispatches
  • Other:
    • Calling ReactDOM.render(<App>) again (which is equivalent to calling forceUpdate() on the root component)

Standard Render Behavior

It's very important to remember that:

React's default behavior is that when a parent component renders, React will recursively render all child components inside of it!

As an example, say we have a component tree of A > B > C > D, and we've already shown them on the page. The user clicks a button in B that increments a counter:

  • We call setState() in B, which queues a re-render of B.
  • React starts the render pass from the top of the tree
  • React sees that A is not marked as needing an update, and moves past it
  • React sees that B is marked as needing an update, and renders it. B returns <C /> as it did last time.
  • C was not originally marked as needing an update. However, because its parent B rendered, React now moves downwards and renders C as well. C returns <D /> again.
  • D was also not marked for rendering, but since its parent C rendered, React moves downwaard and renders D too.

To repeat this another way:

Rendering a component will, by default, cause all components inside of it to be rendered too!

Also, another key point:

In normal rendering, React does not care whether "props changed" - it will render child components unconditionally just because the parent rendered!

This means that calling setState() in your root <App> component, with no other changes altering the behavior, will cause React to re-render every single component in the component tree. After all, one of the original sales pitches for React was "act like we're redrawing the entire app on every update".

Now, it's very likely that most of the components in the tree will return the exact same render output as last time, and therefore React won't need to make any changes to the DOM. But, React will still have to do the work of asking components to render themselves and diffing the render output. Both of those take time and effort.


Remember, rendering is not a bad thing - it's how React knows whether it needs to actually make any changes to the DOM!

Rules of React Rendering

One of the primary rules of React rendering is that rendering must be "pure" and not have any side effects! This can be tricky and confusing, because many side effects are not obvious, and don't result in anything breaking. For example, strictly speaking a console.log() statement is a side effect, but it won't actually break anything. Mutating a prop is definitely a side effect, and it might not break anything. Making an AJAX call in the middle of rendering is also definitely a side effect, and can definitely cause unexpected app behavior depending on the type of request.

Sebastian Markbage wrote an excellent document entitled The Rules of React. In it, he defines the expected behaviors for different React lifecycle methods, including render, and what kinds of operations would be considered safely "pure" and which would be unsafe. It's worth reading that in its entirety, but I'll summarize the key points:


  • Render logic must not:
    • Can't mutate existing variables and objects
    • Can't create random values like Math.random() or
    • Can't make network requests
    • Can't queue state updates
  • Render logic may:
    • Mutate objects that were newly created while rendering
    • Throw errors
    • "Lazy initialize" data that hasn't been created yet, such as a cached value

Component Metadata and Fibers

React stores an internal data structure that tracks all the current component instances that exist in the application. The core piece of this data structure is an object called a "fiber", which contains metadata fields that describe:

  • What component type is supposed to be rendered at this point in the component tree
  • The current props and state associated with this component
  • Pointers to parent, sibling, and child components
  • Other internal metadata that React uses to track the rendering process

You can see the definition of the Fiber type as of React 17 here.

During a rendering pass, React will iterate over this tree of fiber objects, and construct an updated tree as it calculates the new rendering results.

Note that these "fiber" objects store the real component props and state values. When you use props and state in your components, React is actually giving you access to the values that were stored on the fiber objects. In fact, for class components specifically, React explicitly copies componentInstance.props = newProps over to the component right before rendering it. So, this.props does exist, but it only exists because React copied the reference over from its internal data structures. In that sense, components are sort of a facade over React's fiber objects.

Similarly, React hooks work because React stores all of the hooks for a component as a linked list attached to that component's fiber object. When React renders a function component, it gets that linked list of hook description entries from the fiber, and every time you call another hook, it returns the appropriate values that were stored in the hook description object (like the state and dispatch values for useReducer.

When a parent component renders a given child component for the first time, React creates a fiber object to track that "instance" of a component. For class components, it literally calls const instance = new YourComponentType(props) and saves the actual component instance onto the fiber object. For function components, React just calls YourComponentType(props) as a function.

Component Types and Reconciliation

As described in the "Reconciliation" docs page, React tries to be efficient during re-renders, by reusing as much of the existing component tree and DOM structure as possible. If you ask React to render the same type of component or HTML node in the same place in the tree, React will reuse that and just apply updates if appropriate, instead of re-creating it from scratch. That means that React will keep component instances alive as long as you keep asking React to render that component type in the same place. For class components, it actually does use the same actual instance of your component. A function component has no true "instance" the way a class does, but we can think of <MyFunctionComponent /> as representing an "instance" in terms of "a component of this type is being shown here and kept alive".

So, how does React know when and how the output has actually changed?

React's rendering logic compares elements based on their type field first, using === reference comparisons. If an element in a given spot has changed to a different type, such as going from <div> to <span> or <ComponentA> to <ComponentB>, React will speed up the comparison process by assuming that entire tree has changed. As a result, React will destroy that entire existing component tree section, including all DOM nodes, and recreate it from scratch with new component instances.

This means that you must never create new component types while rendering! Whenever you create a new component type, it's a different reference, and that will cause React to repeatedly destroy and recreate the child component tree.

In other words, don't do this:


function ParentComponent() {
  // This creates a new `ChildComponent` reference every time!
  function ChildComponent() {}
  return <ChildComponent />

 // Instead, always define components separately:

 // This only creates one component type reference
function ChildComponent() {}
function ParentComponent() {

  return <ChildComponent />


Keys and Reconciliation

The other way that React identifies component "instances" is via the key pseudo-prop. key is an instruction to React, and will never be passed through to the actual component. React treats key as a unique identifier that it can use to differentiate specific instances of a component type.

The main place we use keys is rendering lists. Keys are especially important here if you are rendering data that may be changed in some way, such as reordering, adding, or deleting list entries. It's particularly important here that keys should be some kind of unique IDs from your data if at all possible - only use array indices as keys as a last resort fallback!

Here's an example of why this matters. Say I render a list of 10 <TodoListItem> components, using array indices as keys. React sees 10 items, with keys of 0..9. Now, if we delete items 6 and 7, and add three new entries at the end, we end up rendering items with keys of 0..10. So, it looks to React like I really just added one new entry at the end because we went from 10 list items to 11. React will happily reuse the existing DOM nodes and component instances. But, that means that we're probably now rendering <TodoListItem key={6}> with the todo item that was being passed to list item #8. So, the component instance is still alive, but now it's getting a different data object as a prop than it was previously. This may work, but it may also produce unexpected behavior. Also, React will now have to go apply updates to several of the list items to change the text and other DOM contents, because the existing list items are now having to show different data than before. Those updates really shouldn't be necessary here, since none of those list items changed.

If instead we were using key={} for each list item, React will correctly see that we deleted two items and added three new ones. It will destroy the two deleted component instances and their associated DOM, and create three new component instances and their DOM. This is better than having to unnecessarily update the components that didn't actually change.

Keys are useful for component instance identity beyond lists as well. You can add a key to any React component at any time to indicate its identity, and changing that key will cause React to destroy the old component instance and DOM and create new ones. A common use case for this is a list + details form combination, where the form shows the data for the currently selected list item. Rendering <DetailForm key={}> will cause React to destroy and re-create the form when the selected item changes, thus avoiding any issues with stale state inside the form.

Render Batching and Timing

By default, each call to setState() causes React to start a new render pass, execute it synchronously, and return. However, React also applies a sort of optimization automatically, in the form of render batching. Render batching is when multiple calls to setState() result in a single render pass being queued and executed, usually on a slight delay.

The React docs mention that "state updates may be asynchronous". That's a reference to this render batching behavior. In particular, React automatically batches state updates that occur in React event handlers. Since React event handlers make up a very large portion of the code in a typical React app, this means that most of the state updates in a given app are actually batched.

React implements render batching for event handlers by wrapping them in an internal function known as unstable_batchedUpdates. React tracks all state updates that are queued while unstable_batchedUpdates is running, and then applies them in a single render pass afterwards. For event handlers, this works well because React already knows exactly what handlers need to be called for a given event.

Conceptually, you can picture what React's doing internally as something like this pseudocode:


// PSEUDOCODE Not real, but kinda-sorta gives the idea
function internalHandleEvent(e) {
  const userProvidedEventHandler = findEventHandler(e);
  let batchedUpdates = [];
  unstable_batchedUpdates( () => {
    // any updates queued inside of here will be pushed into batchedUpdates
/*However, this means that any state updates queued outside of the actual immediate call stack will not be batched together.

Let's look at a specific example.*/

const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

const onClick = async () => {
  const data = await fetchSomeData();


This will execute three render passes. The first pass will batch together setCounter(0) and setCounter(1), because both of them are occurring during the original event handler call stack, and so they're both occurring inside the unstable_batchedUpdates() call.

However, the call to setCounter(2) is happening after an await. This means the original synchronous call stack is done, and the second half of the function is running much later in a totally separate event loop call stack. Because of that, React will execute an entire render pass synchronously as the last step inside the setCounter(2) call, finish the pass, and return from setCounter(2).

The same thing will then happen for setCounter(3), because it's also running outside the original event handler, and thus outside the batching.

There's some additional edge cases inside of the commit-phase lifecycle methods: componentDidMountcomponentDidUpdate, and useLayoutEffect. These largely exist to allow you to perform additional logic after a render, but before the browser has had a chance to paint. In particular, a common use case is:

  • Render a component the first time with some partial but incomplete data
  • In a commit-phase lifecycle, use refs to measure the real size of the actual DOM nodes in the page
  • Set some state in the component based on those measurements
  • Immediately re-render with the updated data

In this use case, we don't want the initial "partial" rendered UI to be visible to the user at all - we only want the "final" UI to show up. Browsers will recalculate the DOM structure as it's being modified, but they won't actually paint anything to the screen while a JS script is still executing and blocking the event loop. So, you can perform multiple DOM mutations, like div.innerHTML = "a"; div.innerHTML = b";, and the "a" will never appear.

Because of this, React will always run renders in commit-phase lifecycles synchronously. That way, if you do try to perform an update like that "partial->final" switch, only the "final" content will ever be visible on screen.

Finally, as far as I know, state updates in useEffect callbacks are queued up, and flushed at the end of the "Passive Effects" phase once all the useEffect callbacks have completed.

It's worth noting that the unstable_batchedUpdates API is exported publicly, but:

  • Per the name, it is labeled as "unstable" and is not an officially supported part of the React API
  • On the other hand, the React team has said that "it's the most stable of the 'unstable' APIs, and half the code at Facebook relies on that function"
  • Unlike the rest of the core React APIs, which are exported by the react package, unstable_batchedUpdates is a reconciler-specific API and is not part of the react package. Instead, it's actually exported by react-dom and react-native. That means that other reconcilers, like react-three-fiber or ink, will likely not export an unstable_batchedUpdates function.

For React-Redux v7, we started using unstable_batchedUpdates internally, which required some tricky build setup to work with both ReactDOM and React Native (effectively conditional imports depending on which package is available.)

In React's upcoming Concurrent Mode, React will always batch updates, all the time, everywhere.

Render Behavior Edge Cases

React will double-render components inside of a <StrictMode> tag in development. That means the number of times your rendering logic runs is not the same as the number of committed render passes, and you cannot rely on console.log() statements while rendering to count the number of renders that have occurred. Instead, either use the React DevTools Profiler to capture a trace and count the number of committed renders overall, or add logging inside of a useEffect hook or componentDidMount/Update lifecycle. That way the logs will only get printed when React has actually completed a render pass and committed it.

In normal situations, you should never queue a state update while in the actual rendering logic. In other words, it's fine to create a click callback that will call setSomeState() when the click happens, but you should not call setSomeState() as part of the actual rendering behavior.

However, there is one exception to this. Function components may call setSomeState() directly while rendering, as long as it's done conditionally and isn't going to execute every time this component renders. This acts as the function component equivalent of getDerivedStateFromProps in class components. If a function component queues a state update while rendering, React will immediately apply the state update and synchronously re-render that one component before moving onwards. If the component infinitely keeps queueing state updates and forcing React to re-render it, React will break the loop after a set number of retries and throw an error (currently 50 attempts). This technique can be used to immediately force an update to a state value based on a prop change, without requiring a re-render + a call to setSomeState() inside of a useEffect.